Should I Count Calories on Keto? | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

Should I Count Calories on Keto?

Keto has a reputation of being the diet of bacon and butter- which seems too good to be true! But a quick browse through almost any keto Facebook group and you can see it’s saturated with people who “just eat keto” and the weight just falls off! But if you dig deeper there are the other posts… people who lose but then plateau or can’t seem to lose pound–  or worse, they start gaining weight! The huge differences in their keto experiences begs the question: Do you need to count calories on keto? Or not? Read More

Quick Ways to Add Self-Care to your Busy Day | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

Quick Ways to Add Self-Care into a Busy Day

If you’re like most people, you’re pretty busy. You’re already juggling your kids, spouse, friendships and a to-do list that is, no doubt, as long as your arm. You’re running in every direction at once. How in the world are you supposed to fit self-care into a day like that?

Thankfully, it’s easier than you think. Try these quick ways to add self-care into your busy day. Read More

5 Easy Steps to Boost Your Motivation | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

5 Easy Steps To Boost Your Motivation

It is no secret that sticking to your resolutions can be tough. Honestly, it’s tough effectively making ANY significant changes to your life! Motivation is the one variable that allows you to push yourself when those around you give up. That’s why knowing your motivation– YOUR WHY– is so important.

Maybe you’re currently experiencing a motivation dry spell or maybe you’ve never had success with self-driven goals. Either way, I’m here to help you. Read More

Keto & Cholesterol | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

Keto & Cholesterol: The Good, The Bad & The Bottom Line

One of the most common debates among dieticians is the role that fats play in a healthy diet. The Standard American Diet has fats used sparingly, with grains, fruits, and veggies making up the bulk of nutritional intake. However, many who follow these guidelines find themself struggling to maintain a healthy weight and health ailments, especially high cholesterol. Keto and healthy cholesterol don’t seem to go together, but keto really can help! I know it doesn’t make sense that a diet focused on fat would improve cholesterol.  So what should you take into account if you have cholesterol issues and are considering keto? Let’s take a look. Read More

5 Amazing (and Simple) Tips for Winning at Your New Year's Resolutions | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

5 Amazing (and Simple) Tips for Winning at Your New Year’s Resolutions

The beginning of a new year means many Americans will set New Year’s resolutions and vow to transform one thing or another to better their lives. 

New Year’s resolutions usually fall under these 4 popular categories:

This is understandable because these are really important factors of a happy life! However, fast forward 6 months later a staggering, 60% will have completely abandon their resolutions.

But following through on your resolutions can be done. 

Here are 5 Amazing (AND simple) Tips for Success with your New Year’s Resolution Read More

7 Things To Do On Sunday to Get Ahead of Your Week | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

7 Things To Do On Sunday to Get Ahead of Your Week

Does the phrase “A Case of the Mondays” define your week, regardless of the actual day? Do you struggle through the day to day, perpetually two steps behind? Or find that life it is happening to you or even just around you? Let me tell you, I have been there! And I know how to keep myself from winding up there! These things to do on Sunday, things I actually do myself, to both prepare and recharge for each new week!

Without a doubt, taking a bit of time to strategize and prepare for the week keeps you in control of your time and up to speed with the world around you. These things to do on Sunday will nicely wrap up the weekend, get you some downtime with your husband and let you head into the week organized, refreshed, and recharged. So what do I call this miraculous blueprint for an amazing week? Read More

Keto Chorizo N' Papas | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

5 Ingredient Keto Chorizo N’ Papas

Keto Chorizo N’ Papas is a weekend staple in our home. Minimal ingredients. Effortless prep. All the rich flavors of traditional Mexican Chorizo and Papas brightened with creamy cheese, fresh herbs, and without the massive carb count! It’s even great to serve to non-keto guests! All in all, it’s easy to see why it is a favorite! Read More

Big Keto Haul with Biweekly Grocery Shopping | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

Biweekly Grocery Shopping = Big Keto Haul

One of my best and most favorite productivity habits I’ve developed recently is doing our grocery shopping biweekly. It’s been so awesome I actually postponed the post I had for this week to share it with you today. PLUS I’ve included a great CHEAT SHEET of our keto essentials that shows EXACTLY how we kept our budget last month under $500 for a family of 5!

When I first set out to meal plan and grocery shop 2 weeks at a time I’m not going to lie, the idea was fairly overwhelming. However, with two small children constantly in tow, venturing out to the grocery store on a weekly basis was maddening. All 3 of us came home exhausted and ill-tempered. It often put a big grey cloud over the remainder of my day. I knew I had to grocery shop but I felt there had to be a better way! Read More

Keto Thai Chicken Lettuce Wrap | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Anyone who thinks keto is all beef, bacon, and cheese needs to check out this recipe. Fresh, crisp, and full of flavor, these Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps will show you keto living doesn’t mean sacrificing your palate!

Firstly, it is tough to eat Asian cuisine while on keto. So many of the dishes have hidden carbs and non-keto ingredients! MSG to enhance flavors. Sugar, honey, and thickeners in sauces. Meats lightly dusted with flour or cornstarch before stir-frying– not to mention the non-keto oils so many restaurants use for the frying itself- it’s a keto minefield! But don’t worry, I can’t live without Asian food which means you don’t have to! Read More

Help! I Miss Carbs! Overcoming your Carb Addiction | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

Help! I Miss Carbs: How To Overcome Your Carb Addiction

Carb addiction, more commonly known as sugar addiction, is a very real thing. Deciding to cut out your favorite carbs may seem impossible- I mean, research shows all addictions,  whether they be carb or more serious drug addictions, trigger the pleasure and reward centers in the brain, leaving you constantly seeking your next “high” or feel-good moment.

So how do you cut out sweets and starchy goodies from our diet? Check out the tips below to stop missing those carbs, and overcome your addiction! Read More