7 Things To Do On Sunday to Get Ahead of Your Week | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

7 Things To Do On Sunday to Get Ahead of Your Week

Does the phrase “A Case of the Mondays” define your week, regardless of the actual day? Do you struggle through the day to day, perpetually two steps behind? Or find that life it is happening to you or even just around you? Let me tell you, I have been there! And I know how to keep myself from winding up there! These things to do on Sunday, things I actually do myself, to both prepare and recharge for each new week!

Without a doubt, taking a bit of time to strategize and prepare for the week keeps you in control of your time and up to speed with the world around you. These things to do on Sunday will nicely wrap up the weekend, get you some downtime with your husband and let you head into the week organized, refreshed, and recharged. So what do I call this miraculous blueprint for an amazing week? Read More

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