Keto is a hot topic right now. In fact, with keto’s recent rise in popularity, many are quick to call keto a fad diet. Truth be told, the ketogenic diet has been in practice and being researched nearly 100 years. The jump to call keto a fad is often because people don’t understand what keto actually is! So what do you say when someone asks, “What is keto?”? How do you go about explaining keto without overwhelm? How do you break down the wealth of research you’ve done into a concise, easy to understand statement?Read More
Here are the 3 easy steps for explaining keto I follow:
1- Personal Decision-
This is your “WHY” in explaining keto. A family health history rich with neurodegenerative disease coming down both sides of my family tree started my keto journey.
What is your “why?” for starting keto?
Is it as easy as a shot to lose weight where all other diets have failed? Perhaps it is hopes of improved fertility, relief from chronic health issues or lifestyle change after a major health scare?
Whatever the reason may be, keep in mind our goal is explaining keto quickly and clearly. Therefore, narrow your “why” down to one to two sentences and stop there.
2 -Scientific Backing-
Y’all, Keto changes the way the body operates and the science is showing great results and even greater potential behind fat as fuel! This is major!
When applied to my “why”, I inform people that research is leaning toward many degenerative diseases being food related. In fact, types of dementia
What does research say about your “why”?
Don’t worry about precise facts and figures when explaining keto, just get the main idea of the research across.
For example, a person with high cholesterol could briefly state: “The research is leading to a new understanding of high cholesterol. It isn’t necessarily caused by fat consumption. Rather the excess glucose from the over-consumption of carbs creates a barrier around the blood vessel preventing the effective absorption of cholesterol. As a result, a buildup of cholesterol occurs in the bloodstream.”
3 -Personal Endorsement-
This is the easy part of explaining keto! Tell what keto has done for you.
Personally, the mental clarity and relief keto provides from my postpartum anxiety is noticeable. Plus I’ve had several unintended benefits- losing that pesky last bit of baby weight, relief from an undiagnosed stomach condition, improved skin health and a noticeable decrease in “hangry” episodes! I feel so much better as a whole!
Your personal endorsement when explaining keto might be similar or very different. Just keep it simple and limited to a couple sentences.
That being said, how do you explain keto if you just started? What do you say when you are waiting for the amazing benefits of keto to kick in? In that case, explaining keto is as simple as pointing out that, compared to the way you used to eat (or the standard American diet), it can’t hurt, right!

So… What is keto?
Well, my family health history rich with neurodegenerative disease and
research is leaning toward many degenerative diseases being food related. In fact, types of dementia are now being referred to as
Diabetes Type3 ! Keto is a way of eating that changes the way the body operates, burning fat for fuel instead of sugars. The research is showing great results in total body health utilizing fat as fuel!
So far, for me personally, the mental clarity and relief keto
provides from my anxiety is noticeable. I just feel so much better!
Knowledge is Power
Unfortunately, some will not open their minds to a high fat/low carb diet regardless of how through a job of explaining keto you do. Ultimately, that’s fine. You are responsible for your own life and you know the power of keto!
On the plus side, by explaining keto you’ve given them great starter information about the lifestyle. What they do with that information is up to them.
Kill them with kindness and be a living example of the effectiveness of a ketogenic lifestyle!
I would love to hear what improvements you have experienced since starting keto! Comment below!
>I am not a doctor or registered dietitian. These are my beliefs formed from the research I have conducted, as a non-professional, and my personal keto journey. I recommend you seek the care of a keto-friendly practitioner before starting a weight loss program, if you have any preexisting conditions or if any concerns arise during your keto journey.