Making Mom Friends: Mom Business Cards | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

Making Mom Friends: A Quick Way to Break the Ice

Making mom friends is basically networking. Those quick little meetings lay the foundations of a relationship. Making sure your name is remembered is essential. Networking is a HUGE part of success in many professional fields. You may not think you need to network as a mom… but think about it…  Read More

Pressure Cooker Keto Chili Recipe | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

Keto Chili! Just In Time for the Super Bowl!

I’ve been on keto for over a year now. Honestly, I’ve enjoyed the health benefits and miss very few foods. That being said, early in my keto journey I knew I HAD to have a keto chili recipe. I thought it would be impossible. Some foods are just supposed to taste a certain way and I thought chili needed beans. Until now….

As a frugally minded Southerner, beans were a regular part of our weekly meal plan before keto. Red beans and rice, white beans and ham, black bean soup- all music to my ears! (Which was also their downside, lol!) But the thing that I have missed the most was chili. The smell of a pot of chili simmering in the fall air. Making a whole crockpot for the big game and praying it didn’t tip on the drive over. Chili; thick with beans, onions, tomatoes, seasonings, beef, and unfortunately carbs. I had successfully found keto-friendly swaps for so many bean dishes. I just knew there had to be a good keto chili. Read More

How To Have an Amazing Family Meeting | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

How to Have An Amazing Family Meeting

It is well known that communication is the key to good relationships. And of course, our family members are our dearest relationships… (Or at least that is our goal!)

In the light of these facts…

Why do we allow our family relationships to fall victim to the busyness of life?

All too often it’s because we don’t know HOW to establish cornerstones of communication in our own families.

By and large, the easiest way to establish communication is through family meetings. Read More

Ketosis: Not Just for Weight Loss | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

Ketosis: Not Just for Weight Loss

Eat bacon and lose weight!?! Say “Yes!” to butter!?! Freedom to love cheese!?!  You have all this once your body reaches ketosis? YES!

After the low-fat craze of the last 20+ years, the effects of ketosis, commonly known as the keto diet, is taking the “diet” world by storm! I mean, promises of bacon & cheese… Are you surprised?!  

However, the true benefits of ketosis are often overlooked. Ketosis has many benefits for those NOT looking for weight loss. Let’s explore a few of those benefits to see how ketosis can drastically improve your health! Read More

Cleaning Schedule to Keep Your Home Pinterest Ready | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

Creating a Cleaning Schedule to Keep Your Home Pinterest Ready

We all dream of that Pinterest ready home. You know the one…
Where you don’t have to run around throwing stuff into the closet when a friend says she’s stopping by…
So you don’t have to clear the junk out of the background before taking a picture of your kids…
Shoot, one where you can actually find what you’re looking for in a reasonable amount of time!
It seems so unattainable but I promise you with this easy AND realistic cleaning schedule you’ll have the clean home you’ve dreamed about in no time! Read More

How to Plan the Perfect Party in 6 Easy Steps | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

How to Plan the Perfect Party in 6 Easy Steps

In-home entertaining was part of daily life 50 years ago. Birthdays, barbeques, picnics, potlucks luncheons, business dinners and cocktail parties- hosting in the home was expected. Unfortunately, as dining out became a sign of prosperity, cooking knowledge became increasingly rare and keeping up with the Joneses became more important than personal connections, we began outsourcing our entertaining. 

Parties meant to be a celebration have warped into something mindless and automatic. Noise and chaos, elbow to elbow in a crowded restaurant, somehow cleverly disguised as fun.

Y’all. We’ve brought back Airstream trailers. Vinyl records. Winged eyeliner. It’s time to bring in-home entertaining back into style! Read More

Keto Christmas: Tips for Staying Keto this Holiday Season | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

Christmas Keto: 3 Powerful Keys to Staying Keto Strong

A few weeks ago my family was invited to Christmas dinner by a friend. The invitation was quickly followed by a line I hear all too often “I didn’t know if I should invite you since I know you eat keto but I didn’t want to not invite you!” I did as I’ve done so many times as I assured my friend that there were plenty of things I could eat. And ultimately, I would come because I enjoyed their company, not because of what they were going to feed me. Read More

How to Clearly Explain Keto in 30 Seconds!

How to Clearly Explain Keto in 30 Seconds!

Keto is a hot topic right now. In fact, with keto’s recent rise in popularity, many are quick to call keto a fad diet. Truth be told, the ketogenic diet has been in practice and being researched nearly 100 years. The jump to call keto a fad is often because people don’t understand what keto actually is! So what do you say when someone asks, “What is keto?”? How do you go about explaining keto without overwhelm? How do you break down the wealth of research you’ve done into a concise, easy to understand statement?Read More

Gratitude & Thankfulness: What's the Difference? Is One Better? | KitschNTable.com

Gratitude & Thankfulness: What’s the Difference? Is One Better?

Being thankful is the focus of the holiday, Thanksgiving. (Pretty obvious, right?) We get that warm, fuzzy feeling when we spend time feeling thankful for the things in our lives. But I wanted to take a minute today to think about the difference between “thankfulness” and “gratitude”. 

Now, I have to mention I told my husband what I was writing about– and I’m sure right now most of y’all are saying the same thing he did, “Ummmm… Thankful and grateful are the same thing!”

In fact, if you’re like me, you use grateful and thankful interchangeably in your day to day language but… in fact, they are not really the same… Let’s look at why!

Let’s start with the definitions. The Oxford Dictionary defines the word “thankful” as “feeling pleased and relieved”. The word “grateful” is defined as “showing an appreciation of a kindness”. Read More

Absolutely Amazing Date Nights | GoodLifeDoneRight.com

Amazing Date Nights… That won’t break the bank!

You need a date night. WHY?!? Well, I’m a big believer that you get out of your marriage what you put into it.

Face it, you can’t spend 20+ years ignoring your husband while raising the kids. Well, at least not expecting to have a wonderful, loving relationship when the kids move out. Likely you will wind up “roommates”. The best case scenario is y’all will get along, maybe even be best friends.

Sure, spending the rest of your days with your best friend sounds nice… but do you want to spend your golden years in the friend zone??

We’ve all seen those couples leading separate, but together lives. They go to major events together but behind closed doors, there is no spark. Certainly not a romance. And I don’t want “just” a best friend, I want romance!

So I put together this list of absolutely amazing date night ideas to help keep your husband out of the friend zone. Read More