A few weeks ago my family was invited to Christmas dinner by a friend. The invitation was quickly followed by a line I hear all too often “I didn’t know if I should invite you since I know you eat keto but I didn’t want to not invite you!” I did as I’ve done so many times as I assured my friend that there were plenty of things I could eat. And ultimately, I would come because I enjoyed their company, not because of what they were going to feed me. Read More
Two years into my Keto lifestyle, after years of worrying about my weight, my ability to focus on people rather than food is stronger than it’s ever been. Unlike previous “diets”, I eat keto happily not only because I enjoy the quality of life it enables me to achieve but also because I enjoy the foods!
But I must admit the holidays do present quite a challenge— there is no other time of year as entrenched in tradition as Thanksgiving and Christmas. So much of that tradition is FOOD… and soooo much of that food is carb-heavy and sugar-rich!
But don’t shy away from holiday dinners or any social event due to your “diet”.
Keto is a way of life and you should be living!
Here are 3 quick tips to help you keep Christmas keto this holiday season:
1- Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions
The first step to keeping Christmas keto is the same as any other day of keto: knowing the ingredients. At events, we shy away from asking questions out of fear of seeming high maintenance or offending our hosts. But more often than not, cooks take questions as interest, which is complimentary– just be sure keep it pleasant and not like you are drilling them for information! It can be as simple as “This looks so good! What’s in it?”
2- Bring Keto Appetizers to Share
I love dips of all kinds but standard chips and crackers are a definite “no-no” on keto. Don’t deny yourself, just come prepared. If you’re going to a party bring something that utilizes celery. A crowd favorite is buffalo chicken dip. Don’t forget to bring plenty of celery so you can use it for all the other tasty dips, too! Pork rinds or whisps are other easy vehicles for your favorite keto appetizer dip.
If you’re going to a potluck don’t shy away from sharing your favorite keto appetizer or side dish. One of my favorite keto appetizers is Caprese Skewers. They’re easily a crowd favorite because the recipe isn’t some crazy keto-swapped recipe, it just IS keto.
I don’t usually bring keto desserts to events with non-keto people. Don’t get me wrong, I love my desserts! But sugar alternatives can taste offsetting to those used to sugar…. I hate to put a bad taste for keto in their mouths!
3-Be Ready to Explain Keto to Those Who Are Curious
I may have just been oblivious before I started my own keto journey, but it seems like keto really took off summer 2018. When I first “found” this lifestyle I loved sharing my knowledge and the profound difference it had made in my life. Now, it’s definitely a different story. You can’t go through the grocery store without seeing a dozen different “keto” products, cookbooks, magazine covers.
The keto Facebook groups I struggled to find, filled with dedicated, health-conscious individuals, are now overrun with people looking for a quick fix for weight loss & sharing photos of their weekly “cheat meals”. Simply put, the Keto diet has reached fad status.
I now hesitate to mention I eat keto most of the time. Don’t get me wrong, my enthusiasm and belief in the keto lifestyle haven’t wained… I just hesitate because so many people have misconceptions about what keto is and the effects on one’s health. I fully admit I don’t go to social events armed with my pro-keto research to offset the experience of their friend’s sister’s niece who ate “keto”– consisting of nothing but ground beef, coconut oil, and eggs (insert eye roll here)… That being said, people do often show interest in my food choices. When that happens I’m happy to share my well-practiced, short explanation of keto!
I hope armed with these simple tips you feel confident to enjoy all the celebrations of the season— while keeping keto!
Do you have any tried and true tips for keeping Christmas keto? I would love for you to share them in the comments below!